200th Review

When does being happy about something turn into bragging? I guess when you talk about it. Call it bragging if you will, but I’m happy to tell you that The Vanishing Wife just received its 200th review on Amazon, and it’s averaging a 4.2 out of 5.0 rating.

Why is that so important? It means a lot of people have read the book and many have taken the time to review it. As authors, we keep harping on the importance of reviews. First, it lets other readers know what you think about the book. Second, it provides validation to us as authors, and encourages us to keep writing.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review for any of my books. It is much appreciated as you can tell from this post.


The pandemic has been difficult on authors as well as everyone else. Many authors are running a small business to promote their books. The pandemic has severely reduced opportunities to do that.

The good news is that it’s possible things could be slowly returning to “normal.” With my new book coming out soon, I have started to schedule events. You can see what’s upcoming in the event section at the side of this page. By the way, the podcast in December 2022 is not a typo. That’s the availability for this particular podcaster. There might even be a different new book to talk about by then.

Other indie authors will be doing the same thing – scheduling events to promote their books. Many are struggling like other small business owners and their quality books deserve your support. I would urge readers to watch for author events and support your local authors where possible.

Crime Writers of Canada Interview – December 3, 2020