A Perilous Question is now free to read on NetGalley for one month only. Of course, nothing is totally free so you are requested to provide a review when you have finished reading. With 23 reviews and a 4.4 star rating out of 5 on Amazon, you don’t want to miss out. A recent reviewer had this to say: “One of the best books I have read so far and would recommend …” Check it out on NetGalley!
HAPPENING NOW! “Captivating to the end.””Extremely well written and developed novel.” “Kept me sitting on the edge of my seat.” FREE for a limited time only. #thriller amzn.to/2BKrSyT
The Writing Process
While my new novel, Remote Access is meandering through the publishing process, I thought it might be interesting to share some thoughts on the writing process, at least what works for me. The one comment I get more than any others when I’m doing a book signing is, “Oh, I should write a book.” My answer is always, “So…do it.” Here are some initial thoughts on one person’s approach to writing.
Most important to me is to make sure you have a story that can be teased out into a book. It takes me awhile to come up with one. There’s inspiration everywhere, but it has to be something that interests you. My latest thriller is woven around today’s political climate, which is of interest to me. Lots to write about there. A Perilous Question arose out of an actual question I was asked by a teenage girl at a dormitory we had helped fund in Tanzania, Africa. The Vanishing Wife came out of a thought I’d always had about how awful it must be when a loved one disappears. It just needs to be something you can get your teeth into. Of course, I’m talking about fiction. I found when our son and I wrote our non fiction book, Kilimanjaro and Beyond, the story just unfolded the way it happened. It was the same for I Guess We Missed the Boat. The point is, the story will be much more interesting if you have some connection with it.
My experience now that I’ve written my fifth book is that there’s no right or wrong way to approach writing. There are those who sit down at a certain time every day, five days a week and write. I call it writing on command. Kudos to people who can do that. I have to write when I feel the urge. If the words aren’t coming, I walk away and pick it up later.
Some people prepare detailed outlines before starting. I heard a well established author say he writes over 100 pages of outline. It’s a great way to avoid writer’s block. Others fly by the seat of their pants. I’ve developed a hybrid style. For Remote Access, I wrote a high-level outline in a software package called Scrivener, and then proceeded to let the characters take me where they wanted to. I was sometimes surprised by where they went and how the story unfolded and that’s one of the joys (to me) of writing. I always tell people when I’m writing that I can’t wait to finish writing the book so I can see how it ends.
That’s enough for now. Next time, I’ll write about settings and detail in your writing. When Remote Access is published, I will be sharing some thoughts on the publishing process.
In the meantime, if you have questions, fire away. I would be happy to answer.
The Editing Process
I’m happy to say that the manuscript for my new book, REMOTE ACCESS, is done and on its way to the editor. Although not scheduled for release until spring, its’ moving along and I’m pleased about that.
Here’s the blurb:
REMOTE ACCESS is a high-octane cocktail of international intrigue, computer hacking and nerve agent assassinations served up with a sprinkling of contemporary politics.
Watch for a cover reveal and trailer.
Welcome News for the Thrillers
It has been a great week for the thrillers.
The Vanishing Wife received its 80th Amazon review and it’s a 5-star:
“This was one of the best books I have ever read. From chapter to chapter you never know what is going to happen. I would read another book by this author.” – Speede Reader
A Perilous Question was RECOMMENDED by the US Review of Books. Read the review here:
Thank you to all who have read and reviewed my books. Reviews are priceless to authors and readers alike.
A Perilous Question Named Finalist
I’m delighted to announce that A Perilous Question just received Finalist honors from Eric Hoffer Book Awards. In their words: “…less than 10% of the nominees become category finalists. We consider this a distinction of its own merit…”
Thank you Eric Hoffer Awards Committee!
Promotion Deal on Kilimanjaro and Beyond
My first book, written with my son Chris and called Kilimanjaro and Beyond: A Life-Changing Journey, has now been re-published under my Keep On Climbing Publishing banner. It chronicles the work needed to prepare ourselves for climbing Africa’s highest mountain and our subsequent efforts to help the kids of Africa. I’m very proud to say it’s the winner of two literary awards.
Both the paperback and e-book are already at a new low price BUT from now until midnight, April 28, the Kindle version will be available at Amazon for only $0.99 USD.
Here’s the link:
This is your chance to get it while it’s on sale!
Kilimanjaro and Beyond will be re-published on Amazon within the next month under my Keep On Climbing brand. Watch for a special on the day it’s released.