I’m very pleased to reveal the cover for Remote Access. Here’s what BestThrillers.com has to say:
“While grounded in reality, Remote Access is a must-read with a singular sense of escapism rare in a political thriller.”
I will be signing the book at the official release at Chapters Indigo in Barrhaven, Ontario on April 28 from 12 – 4 PM.

Author: info@barry-finlay.com
Barry Finlay is an award-winning and best selling non fiction and fiction author. After his first two popular non-fiction works, he has expanded to writing crime novels. His literary repertoire includes his experience climbing a mountain with his son, his travels with his in-laws and the hugely popular Marcie Kane Thriller Collection and The Jake Scott Mystery Series. He is a recipient of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal for his philanthropic work in Africa.
View all posts by info@barry-finlay.com
Enjoyed reading about your publishing decisions. I wanted to find a bona fide publisher for my mystery novel, but by the time I wrote the query letter, began a Table of Contents and tackled their other demands, I was so stressed out I decided to self publish, something I swore I would never do. But I’m not getting any longer and thought I’d be in the grave before a book was published the traditional way.
I am now about to launch “Too Late for Redemption” via my website, which is also about to be launched. I’m a member of CWC but when my book is out, I’ll be a professional member.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your experiences.
-Sydney Preston
Thanks for your message, Sydney. As I mentioned in my post, there’s nothing wrong with self publishing, but promoting your book will be a lot of work. Get ready to spend a lot of time on social media and getting your book out to the masses. One thing I didn’t mention is that it is also very satisfying.
Good luck with “Too Lat for Redemption.” It’s a great title. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Thankfully, I have friends and a marketing “guru” who are giving me all kinds of ideas. It’s not like it’s my life-long career. I have already “retired.” But it would be nice to recover the costs of getting it printed and mailed out and so on. The only maddening thing is that it’s interfering with the second book on the go.
Thank you for your response. Authors are more available than most people think as I seem to receive answers to a question or comment.