Polish Rights for ‘Just Keep Climbing’ Sold

I’m delighted to announce that the Polish foreign rights for Just Keep Climbing have been sold to a publishing house in Poland. As most of you know, Just Keep Climbing features the stories of eight individuals who have overcome incredible odds to conquer their challenges. Watch for the book in Polish coming soon. In the meantime, the English version is available here:


Writing Update – July 27, 2023

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, mostly because I’ve been working on my inspirational book, Just Keep Climbing: Inspirational Stories for Overcoming Challenges and Living Life. It’s nearing completion and I’m very proud of the outcome. Eight people generously shared their inspirational stories with me and I can’t thank them enough.

So, where is it? Well, here’s part of it.

Here’s what’s going to happen. The cover will be revealed in a few days on July 31. In the meantime, take a guess at what’s under the shaded area based on the title.

The e-book goes on presale August 1. Then, on September 9, Just Keep Climbing will be launched to the world. I can’t wait to share it with you.

This is a departure for sure from my mystery and thriller titles but since everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time, I thought Jake Scott could take a little break. He’ll be back in the spring.

In the meantime, watch for the presale of Just Keep Climbing, grab your copy (to be delivered September 9) and read some amazing stories.

Writing Update – May 17, 2023

I have been busy writing away during the last two months. Work is progressing on my inspirational book, Just Keep Climbing. Based on my motto, “Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing,” the book features eight stories by amazing people who generously shared their journeys with me. Among them are a woman who changed her career from a salaried executive to writing full time, a woman who struggled with obesity until she became a champion body builder, two recovered drug addicts, a delightfully positive woman with stage four melanoma, and a family living in the middle of a conflict in Cameroon. Each is amazingly inspirational in their own way. They are going through the draft manuscript now. Publication is expected in the late summer or early fall.

In the meantime, Jake Scott has not been forgotten. Watch for a new Jake Scott mystery in the spring.

Keep Climbing

Today, Facebook reminded me of a picture I posted three years ago. It was a special moment.

When our son Chris and I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2009, he mentioned he used the phrase, “Just keep swimming” from the movie Finding Nemo as motivation to reach the top. In retrospect, our climb was a sample of the challenges we all face in our lives no matter how significant they are. We have to meet them head on and do our best to overcome them. We have to keep climbing.

With Chris’ mantra in mind and with my own philosophy to keep going no matter what, I came up with the following slogan: Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep on climbing. It was originally just a personal reminder to my family and I to keep pushing ahead when we are met with challenges. I never foresaw the impact it would have.

Since that time, I have been approached by people around the world asking if they can use the motto on tee shirts, posters and rubber stamps and it is often quoted on social media. It was even tweeted by actor Jared Lehto! The response has been amazing, but the best by far was the attached picture sent to me by a woman in Virginia telling me she was inspired enough by the slogan to have an excerpt tattooed on her arm.

I never anticipated the impact of the slogan. I was floored and truly honored that the words would have enough significance to someone that they would turn them into a tattoo. It’s a reminder that we never know the impact of our words so we should always be aware of what we are saying or writing. People remember and words matter.

As for the slogan. it doesn’t matter what challenge we are facing, or the setbacks that might arise, we have to keep climbing. Whether it’s an illness, the loss of a loved one, a career move or writing the next great novel, we have to keep pushing forward. There are no guarantees. Chris and I could have been stopped by altitude sickness or fatigue or weather or any number of factors, but we weren’t because we kept climbing. No matter what the challenge, perseverance gives us the best opportunity to reach the top.