It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, mostly because I’ve been working on my inspirational book, Just Keep Climbing: Inspirational Stories for Overcoming Challenges and Living Life. It’s nearing completion and I’m very proud of the outcome. Eight people generously shared their inspirational stories with me and I can’t thank them enough.
So, where is it? Well, here’s part of it.

Here’s what’s going to happen. The cover will be revealed in a few days on July 31. In the meantime, take a guess at what’s under the shaded area based on the title.
The e-book goes on presale August 1. Then, on September 9, Just Keep Climbing will be launched to the world. I can’t wait to share it with you.
This is a departure for sure from my mystery and thriller titles but since everyone needs a little inspiration from time to time, I thought Jake Scott could take a little break. He’ll be back in the spring.
In the meantime, watch for the presale of Just Keep Climbing, grab your copy (to be delivered September 9) and read some amazing stories.